Hola! I’m Diana. Welcome to my little corner of the world!

I was born in Colombia, the land of orchids (my favorite flower) and emeralds. My parents immigrated to the U.S. when I was 9 years old.  My dad was a mechanic and my mom a factory worker. I grew up in New Jersey eating disco fries, going “down the shore” and listening to “The Boss” and Bon Jovi. If you listen closely, you’ll hear my Jersey accent.

I’ve always loved working with people and I’m fascinated by human behavior. This led me to both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychology. I first worked as a Master’s level clinician helping people with mental health challenges. Later, I founded Akros Leadership International® where as a Leadership and Executive Coach I help individuals and organizations to develop and attain high performance.

Let me share a bit of my journey with you. You see, like most people, I’ve experienced heartache many times. The most painful experiences have been my four miscarriages. These losses left me devastated.  It was not just the physical loss of my babies, but also, the loss of what I thought my life would be as a mother. The pain and trauma left me riddled with feelings of unworthiness and confusion to the point that I began to question my identity – Who am I now? 

“Why me?” I was plagued with thoughts like: “I must not be good enough”

I became angry and asked myself “Why me?” I was plagued with thoughts like: “I must not be good enough”; “Who am I as a woman if I can’t have kids?”;  “What am I supposed to do now?”;  “Will my husband still love me?”  

Then, in 2014 I faced another challenge when I was diagnosed with breast cancer AND Rheumatoid Arthritis all in the same week! Initially I became depressed and felt powerless. Then I realized I was sick and tired of feeling this way and asked myself the following question: “What am I going to do about it?” 

I had recently attended a personal development seminar and decided to put all the tools I had learned into practice. That was the moment that I took my power back and began my healing journey. I chose to do the arduous work of peeling back the layers and in the process discovered  the magnificent, confident, beautiful, and powerful woman that’s inside of me. That is ME!  And that is YOU!

I consider myself a “professional student” because I love to learn. I love feeling challenged by new ideas and concepts, and learning and growing are two of my core values. I am grateful that I can utilize both my knowledge and personal experience to fulfill my life’s mission to help women create a life they truly love. 

It was my love of learning coupled with my personal experience with emotional and health challenges that led me to seek a deeper understanding of how our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and brain health affect the quality of our lives. This is why I became a Licensed Neuroencoding Specialist under Dr. Joseph McClendon III and a Brain Health Licensed Trainer under the world renowned Dr. Daniel Amen. I am also a Certified Behavioral Consultant.

Today I have the privilege of working not only with women who have experienced pregnancy loss but also with women who feel stuck and unable to move forward in life and are seeking clarity about who they are, a sense of self-worth, and the confidence to go after their desires. I help them redefine their identity and gain the self-trust they need to release the past and create a life they love. 

I am a lover of music, dance, travel, yoga, nature, reading, and personal development.

I live with my husband, our 3 adoptive children, and 5 cats.

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